Beaver with a stick in it's mouth

Virginia Beaver Removal

Virginia Beaver floating on the River

Quick Beaver Information

Number in Virginia: 100,000~

Common Locations: Lakes, Rivers, Ponds, Streams

Damages: Flooding, Tree Damage

Health Concerns: Giardia lamblia, Insect Borne Illnesses


Beaver Trapping and Getting Rid of Beavers

Beaver trapping is a specialized service that requires the knowledge and know-how of an experienced trapper. Most nuisance wildlife removal companies do not have the staff to knowledgeably handle a beaver trapping job. Beaver is a very large rodent that lives both in and out of water. They typically spend most of their time on top of or under the waterline of local rivers, lakes, and ponds. They do however build ”huts” which is where they live. Most of the time these huts are located half in the water and half out. Then protected by a dome of limbs, twigs, and mud.

Why Are Beavers Eating My Trees?

The beaver can adapt to aquatic human environments easily and usually by choice. In aquatic human environments, beavers can adapt easily due to the abundance of food, shelter, and the lack of predators. Urban landscapes provide the ideal bark from trees, such as poplar, birch, cherry, pear, willow, maple, and pine trees that beavers will favor. Once a beaver has found a prevalent food source it will look for a den site that is relatively close to that food source. Beavers will typically start to knock down trees in September; they are gearing up for the winter to come.

After they chew down the tree, they will then either chew it up into smaller pieces or they will drag the whole tree into the water to add it to what’s called a “food bed” a food bed is a stash of food that a beaver will instinctively build under the waterline of its current waterhole. The beaver does this for one reason only, so the beaver will have access to food just in case the water freezes. Beavers are a rodent that is originally from the extreme northern section of the United States and Canada. It is in this area that this oversized rodent devolved the instinctual habits that it still carries on today, even in areas that do not get cold enough weather for the water to freeze. I have seen these beavers behave this way as far south as Florida. This is just what they do!

Tree Damage from Virginia Beavers

Beaver Dens

Their home or burrow can be found on a high bank of a stream, pond, or lake. These burrows will have an abundance of mud, grass, and twigs that cover the sub-surface entrance. Lodges are built in areas where a burrow in a high bank is not available. Increases in urbanization or land development in beaver-inhabited areas, and the overpopulation of beaver in these areas does not help. As long as we continue to urbanize and provide an abundance of food to the beaver, they will continue to adapt to human environments and pose a threat to urban landscapes. This is why Beaver Removal in Virginia is important as their dams and tree felling can cause large amounts of damage if left unchecked.

A beaver on it's den. Call for Virginia Beaver Removal

You Cannot Kill Beavers Between December to February

Virginia law classifies beavers as a fur-bearing game. This means that they have a hunting season, which makes it illegal to kill outside of the winter.

This law does not apply to Nuisance Wildlife Services such as Blue Ridge, as we have permits allowing us to. Please rely on us for Virginia Beaver Removal and Control.

Why Virginia Beaver Removal and Beaver Trapping?
What’s the Harm?

One may think that Beavers do not pose a health or safety risk. After all, beavers are good for the environment and many assume that they are deep in the forested areas away from civilization. However, with humans encroaching on their environment beavers are moving closer and closer to civilization if there are sufficient waterways. Their dams can flood property and roads and they do not have their health risks either. Handling live beavers rarely cause an illness, but what they do to the water, and what their dams do to the rivers and lakes near your property is another story.

Damage From Beavers

When beavers make their dams, they modify their environment by turning the river or stream into a pond, lake, or wetland. Dam building is extremely beneficial to other animals in the area such as fish, reptiles, birds, and other mammals. However, when the dam is being built near humans, it may benefit animals, but it is a detriment to humans. Beaver damage causes 3 million to 5 million dollars in damages every year here in Virginia. These dams will flood highways, housing developments, crops, and once a train derailment. This is usually caused by the beaver dam breaking which leads to major flooding. Another aspect is beaver blocking waterways such as culverts under roads, drainpipes, and road ditches. Some of these dams are so blocked that dynamite had to be used, which would lead to the bridges needing to be replaced. Beaver removal is a frequent and needed service near civilization to prevent costly damage and for human safety. If you have a beaver dam near your home do not hesitate to call for Virginia Beaver Removal immediately.

Broken Virginia Beaver Dam

Abandoned Dams Attract Mosquitos

Mosquitos are a pain regardless of the illnesses they can bring, and abandoned beaver dams will attract mosquitos. Mosquitos prefer stagnant water and abandoned dams where the water is completely blocked will cause water to stagnate making it the perfect breeding spot for these insects.

Mosquitos are known carriers of Malaria, West Nile Virus, and other illnesses, which can cause serious harm to anyone with autoimmune deficiencies such as the elderly and infants.


This disease is one of the most common causes of waterborne illness in the United States and Virginia, and it comes from a parasite called Giardia. The parasite lives in the intestines of people and animals and is often found in droppings and areas where these droppings are frequent such as water, soil, food, and surfaces. Its symptoms range from none to severe diarrhea. To protect yourself from Giardiasis, you must avoid drinking and eating that may be contaminated. Boiling or filtering water removes the parasite.


This disease comes from many animals in the rodent family such as beavers. This year-round disease comes from animal carcasses, food, and water contamination, or breathing in bacteria. This disease will give you flu-like symptoms such as chills, headaches, muscle pain, cough, weakness, and pneumonia. This disease is extremely damaging to those without medical treatment. 30% who contracted this disease die without medical treatment. However, to those who do have medical treatment, it is only 1% fatal. To avoid this disease, do not handle carcasses without gloves, do not drink or swim in untreated water and properly cook fish from waterways.

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