Virginia Wasp Removal

The Virginia Wasp Nest

Quick Wasp Information

Species in Virginia: 300+

Common Locations: Trees, Attic, Garages, Garden Furniture

Damages: Walls, Supports, Roof

Health Concerns: Allergic Reactions, No Known Diseases


Wasps in Your Home? What are the Dangers?

So you have noticed that you have wasps in your home. Unlike bees, wasps are not good pollinators and do not make honey or help plants it. Due to this, we do not relocate wasps, but rather exterminate them. Wasps get aggressive when you go near their nest, or disturb them. The issue is that Wasps tend to nest near areas where humans frequent such as decks, furniture, alcoves about doors, or anywhere that has sharp corners which are everywhere in human architecture.

Wasps like bees have venom while painful are not life-threatening on their own. However, unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times in a row, and if you disturb a nest, you will trigger a swarm and have to deal with multiple them. Due to their aggressive nature, and can sting multiple times, wasps are a much greater issue than bees.

Wasp Damage to your Home

Wasps can cause a large amount of damage to your home if they can get inside. When wasps make their hives they tend to fill up a large amount of space adding a lot of heat and weight. And when you have wasps in your walls or ceiling this will lead to complications. This added weight and heat can weaken supports, and damaged wires, and rarely, they burst through the drywall.

If you hear a faint buzzing noise inside your walls, you might have wasps. Be wary when spraying into the nest as this could force the wasps to go in deeper into your walls. Also when the spray kills the larva and wasps, you could add moisture to the walls contributing to fungus and mold growth. The dead wasps don’t help with fungus growth either.

If you have wasps in the walls please call us as we are Wasp Removal experts, and we help everywhere in Southwestern Virginia.

Honey Bees in the Walls Call for Virginia Bee Removal today

Health Hazards

The good news is that there are no known diseases that wasps have than can be infectious to humans. So you don’t have to worry about diseases and other sicknesses that come from pests.

The bad news is that the venom wasps carry are deadly to those that are allergic. Even as small as one sting can be deadly to those with wasp allergies. And even those without allergies can find wasp stings to be painful, and generally unpleasant to experience.

If you are stung here are some steps you can take:

Remove the stinger: You can pull it out with tweezers or use a credit card to scrape it out. According to a scientific study by the National Library of Medicine, pulling out the stinger does not release more venom, and removing the stinger quickly is more important than the method.

Wash the stung area: Use soap and water, especially where the stinger has pierced the skin. Doing so will prevent infection and will remove any venom still around the area.

Use an Ice Pack: If swelling starts use a bag full of ice (Or any cold object if no ice is available). This will reduce the swelling and help ease the pain.

Use Pain Relievers: If the pain is still too much, using over-the-counter pain relievers such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol will help with the pain.

Wasps Can Burrow and Nest Under the Ground

These insects will also burrow under the ground, and are almost impossible to spot until you are right on top of them. Many calls have come because people have been swarmed when cutting the grass. If you are attacked run and head indoors, as more will be on their way. One sting isn’t dangerous but 30+ are and can lead to medical issues. After which call a professional pest control service or 911 if you are allergic, or if anyone nearby is.

Our Wasp Removal Services

Here at Blue Ridge Wildlife and Pest Management, we know that the removal of these pests is your top priority. However, it is highly recommended to let a professional deal with wasps. If the nest becomes large enough, then even if you aren’t allergic the number of stings they can inflict upon you can get you sent to the hospital. Without proper protection, you will be in danger, and the cost of getting sent to the hospital will be much more than paying a professional to do it properly.

Our technicians are trained to handle wasps safely, effectively, and quickly that way your family, and home will be safe.

Free Wasp Inspection

Do you have wasps in your yard but no idea where they are coming from? Here at Blue Ridge Wildlife and Pest Management, we offer free pest inspections so that even if you are unsure where they are, we will find them at no cost. Our trained pest inspectors, know how wasps behave and will be able to find exactly where they are on your property. Once the inspection is finished we will go over our plan for removing these wasps, so that you are always in the know.

Wasp Removal | Wasp Nest Removal

Our technicians will remove these wasps safely and effectively and are experts at wasp removal. That way, they can be relocated with no harm to the nest or to you. We take pride in insuring that we will remove these wasps and there will be no harm in them or your home. Safety is our number one priority, and we will take every precaution so that our technicians, and your home, will be safe. Trust us with all your Virginia Wasp Removal Services.

We also offer full Wasp Nest Removal services for your home. If you have a wasp nest in your walls, under your deck, in your chimney, and more we will remove them from your property safely and effectively.

Wasp Nest under AC Unit

Frequently Asked Ant Questions

How to Keep Wasps From Coming Back

Unlike bees limiting flowers is not going to work to keep wasps away. Wasps have a much larger palate and are harder to keep away, but it is doable.

  • Remove sources of food around your home.
    Fallen fruit and berries are prime attracter to wasps. Also, hummingbird feeders and pet food are other things that attract wasps.
  • Place wasp-repelling plants around your home
    These plants include marigold, mint, basil geranium, and wormwood
  • Seal or cover trash cans and compost piles
    Wasps like to eat anything, this includes trash and the sugars that are rotting in your trash and compost pile. Due to this, your garbage and compost could be attracting wasps.
Will Wasps Eventually Go Away?

Wasps will start to die when temperatures consistently reach below 50°F. Here in Southwestern Virginia, that makes it around late September at the earliest to mid-November at the latest.

Be careful as when the temperature starts to dip in September wasps will become more aggressive to protect their nests

What Month Do Wasps Start Dying Off

Wasps will start to die when temperatures consistently reach below 50°F. Here in Virginia, that makes it around late september at the earliest to Mid October at the latest.

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