Sole Virginian Bee

Virginia Bee Removal

Virginia Big Eared Bat - Virginia Bat Removal and Exclusion

Quick Bee Information

Species in Virginia: 477

Common Locations: Trees, Attic, Garages, Garden Furniture

Damages: Walls, Supports, Roof

Health Concerns: Allergic Reactions, No Known Diseases


Bees in Your Home? What are the Dangers?

So you have noticed that you have bees in your home. But wait before you try to get rid of them. Virginia has over 450 different species of bees many of them being key contributors to pollination and are vital to the ecosystem. Bees especially honeybees are not dangerous, and would leave you alone if you leave them alone. However, if they are nesting in your home, or if they nest near used pathways, then knowing the dangers they possess before calling in for bee removal.

Bee Damage to your Home

Bees can actually cause large amount of damage to your home if they can get inside. When bees make their hives they tend to fill up large amount of space adding a lot of heat and weight. And when you have bees in your walls or ceiling this will lead to complications. This added weight and heat can weaken supports, damage wires, and rarely, burst through the drywall. Some hives are so larges that people can find honey leaking through light switches and plugs.

Then there are Carpenter Bees which do not do as much damage as termites, but they still damage your home regardless. These bees tend to focus on untreated, non-painted wood and will make their nests within the wood. These nests can weaken the home, especially areas such as decks. If you have carpenter bees damaging your home please give us a call.

Honey Bees in the Walls Call for Virginia Bee Removal today

Health Hazards

Good news is that there are no known diseases that bees have than can be infectious to humans. So you don’t have to worry about diseases and other sicknesses that comes from pests.

Bad news is that the venom bees carry are deadly to those that are allergic. Even as small as one sting can be deadly to those with bee allergies. And even those without allergies can find bee stings to bee painful, and generally unpleasant to experience.

If you are stung here are some steps you can take:

Remove the stinger: You can pull it out with tweezers or use a credit card to scrape it out. According to a scientific study by the National Library of Medicine, pulling out the stinger does not release more venom, and removing the stinger quickly is more important than the method.

Wash the stung area: Use soap and water, especially where the stinger has pierced the skin. Doing so will prevent infection and will remove any venom still around the area.

Use an Ice Pack: If swelling starts use a bag full of ice (Or any cold object if no ice is available). This will reduce the swelling and help ease the pain.

Use Pain Relievers: If the pain is still too much using over the counter pain relievers will help with the pain such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol.

Do Not Kill Honeybees

Honeybees are endangered and play key roles in the environment. If they absolutely must be removed please call us or a beekeeper to safely remove them so they can get relocated without killing.

Our Bee Removal Services

Here at Blue Ridge Wildlife and Pest Management we know that the removal of these pests are your top priority. However, it is highly recommended to let a professional deal with bees. Not only are they endangered and play a critical role in the environment, they are also very dangerous if handled improperly. Even if you are not allergic, with enough stings, you can start to have complications, and will need to go to the hospital.

Our technicians are trained to handle bees safely, humanely, and effectively, that way these bees will be safely relocated while not posing any threat to themselves.

Free Bee Inspection

Do you have bees in your yard but no idea where they are coming from? Here at Blue Ridge Wildlife and Pest Management, we offer free pest inspections so that even if your unsure where they are, we will find them at not cost. Our trained pest inspectors, know how bees behave and will be able to find exactly where they are on your property. Once the inspection is finished we will go over our plan on removing these bees, so that you are always in the know.

Bee Removal | Beehive Removal

Our technicians will remove these bees safely and humanely and are experts at bee removal. That way, they can be relocated with no harm to the hive or to you. We take pride in insuring that we will remove these bees and there will be no harm in them or your home. Safety is our number one priority, and we will take every precaution so that our technicians, and your home, will be safe. Trust us with all your Bee Removal Services.

We also offer full Beehive Removal services for your home. If you have a beehive in your walls, under your deck, in your chimney, and more we will remove them from your property safely and humanely.

Technician doing Beehive Removal

Frequently Asked Bee Questions

How to Remove Bee Stinger
  1. Remain Calm
  2. Keeping Calm will lower your heart rate which will not only limit the venom circulating but also allows you to think more clearly

  3. Remove The Stinger
  4. If the stinger is still in you, remove it as soon as possible. Use what you have nearby to pull it out, a pair of tweezers, your nails, etc.

    Squeezing the stinger does not inject more venom. According to the National Library of Medicine, a 2020 study shows that scraping vs tweezing does not have a noticeable difference in injecting venom. It ends with saying that the time it takes to get the stinger out is more important than the method.

  5. Wash the area where you were stung
  6. Use soap and water to wash area where you have been stung. Cleaning the stung area removes the chance of infection and any residual venom that has been left.

What do we do with Honey Bee Hives

We have a trusted bee keeper where we deliver the hives and bees to. That way, we do not hurt the bee population and transfer them somewhere that will be safer for them (and you!) and allows them to pollinate in more disirable areas.

How Do We Remove Bees?

We use vaccuums with a special container so that we can grab the bees safely and while limiting the amount of harm we bring to the bees. When we are removing the hive, we make sure to find the queen so we can deliver her and the bees we captured to a beekeeper so that they can keep on living and pollinating.

How Can I Repel Bees?

Bees frequent areas with flowery scents and sugar. So if you frequently have bees near your home, odds are you have flowers that are attracting them, or have a hive nearby. However, this is a good thing as this leads to pollination allowing the flowers to spread and be healthy.

If you or a family member is allergic to bees, you may need to rethink your landscaping and replace your flowers with non-flowering plants.

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