Understanding Raccoon Behavior
A Guide to Their Mysterious Ways

Are you curious about the elusive and mischievous raccoon? These creatures may seem cute and harmless, but they can cause quite a bit of trouble if they decide to make their home on your property. Understanding their behavior is key to coexisting with them and keeping them from causing damage. In this article, we’ll explore the behavior of raccoons and provide tips on how to keep them at bay.

A raccoon carrying trash is an odd behavior but must be understood

What Are Raccoons and Where Do They Live?

Raccoons are a type of mammal native to North America. They are known for their distinctive black and white markings on their faces and their bushy tails. They are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, raccoons typically live in forests near a source of water, such as a river or pond.

However, raccoons have adapted to living in urban areas as well. They can be found in parks, neighborhoods, and even in city dumpsters. This is because they are opportunistic eaters and will scavenge for food wherever they can find it.

What Are Some Common Behaviors of Raccoons?

Raccoons are known for their curious and playful behavior. They are intelligent animals and can learn how to open doors, containers, and even locks. They are also excellent climbers and can scale trees and walls with ease.

Raccoons are most active at night and will often search for food during this time. They will eat just about anything, including insects, fruits, nuts, and small animals. They are also attracted to garbage cans and will rummage through them in search of food.

Another common behavior of raccoons is their tendency to den in homes and other buildings. They may create a nest in your attic or crawl space, which can cause damage to your property. They may also carry diseases like rabies, which can be dangerous to humans and pets.

Baby raccoons where a chimney is part of their den, making dens is a common raccoon behavior

How to Keep Raccoons Away

If you want to avoid having raccoons on your property, there are several things you can do. First, make sure your garbage cans are tightly sealed and not easily accessible. Raccoons are attracted to the smell of food, so keeping your garbage out of reach can discourage them from coming around.

You can also use motion-activated lights or sprinklers to deter raccoons. They are nocturnal animals, so a sudden burst of light or water can startle them and make them think twice about visiting your property.

If you have a garden or fruit trees, consider installing a fence around them. This will make it more difficult for raccoons to access your plants and will discourage them from visiting your property.

Finally, if you have a raccoon problem that you can’t solve on your own, it’s best to call a professional wildlife removal service. They can safely and humanely trap the animals and relocate them to a more suitable location.

An exclusion mesh infront of an attic vent which is used to keep raccoons away


Raccoons may be cute and playful, but they can also be a nuisance if they decide to make their home on your property. By understanding their behavior and taking steps to deter them, you can coexist with these creatures and prevent damage to your home and property. Remember to keep your garbage cans tightly sealed, use motion-activated deterrents, and install a fence around your garden to keep raccoons at bay. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to call a professional for help.