A Southwest Virginia Red squirrel that requires squirrel exclusion to keep out of your home

Squirrel Exclusion: When to Hire a Professional

Squirrel Exclusion Options

Squirrels are a common problem for homeowners, especially during the fall and winter months when they seek shelter from the cold. Not only do they cause damage to homes by gnawing on wood and insulation, but they can also pose a risk to human health by carrying diseases. Squirrel exclusion is a necessary step in preventing these pests from entering your home and causing damage.

When it comes to squirrel exclusion, homeowners have two main options: DIY methods or hiring a professional. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of each option, as well as provide tips for assessing the scope of the problem, evaluating the cost, and maintaining and monitoring exclusion efforts.

Assessing the Scope of the Problem

The first step in dealing with a squirrel infestation is to determine the extent of the problem. Signs of a squirrel infestation include noise in the attic, droppings, and gnaw marks on wood or electrical wiring. It is also important to identify all potential entry points that squirrels may be using to gain access to your home. Once you have a clear understanding of the scope of the problem, you can then make an informed decision about the best course of action.

Evaluating the Cost of DIY vs Hiring Professional

DIY exclusion methods, such as sealing entry points and using repellents, can be a cost-effective solution for some homeowners. However, these methods require time and effort, and may not always be successful. On the other hand, hiring a professional exclusion service can be more expensive, but it also guarantees that the problem will be resolved effectively.

Factors to Consider When Choosing to Hire a Professional Exclusion Service

When choosing to hire a professional exclusion service, it’s important to consider the qualifications and experience of the service provider. Look for a company that is licensed and insured, and has a proven track record of success. Additionally, consider the services offered by the company. Some companies may offer additional services such as clean-up and repairs, which can save homeowners time and money.

DIY Squirrel Exclusion Methods

DIY exclusion methods can be effective for some homeowners, but it’s important to understand the limitations of these methods. Common DIY exclusion methods include sealing entry points and using repellents. However, it’s important to use humane methods that don’t harm the squirrels and are legal in your area.

Professional Exclusion Methods

Professional exclusion services can include humane trapping, exclusion materials and clean-up. These methods are often more effective than DIY methods, and they are done by experts who have the necessary tools and equipment. Additionally, professional services often include guarantees, which can provide peace of mind for homeowners.

Preventing squirrels from entering your home in the first place is the best way to avoid the need for exclusion. This can be done by identifying and sealing all potential entry points, such as holes in the roof, cracks in the walls, or openings around utility lines. Another effective method is to use repellents, such as natural repellents like peppermint oil or ammonia. However, it’s important to remember that repellents should be used in conjunction with other prevention methods and should not be used as the sole method of prevention.

Sealing entry points is one of the most effective ways to prevent squirrels from entering your home. This can be done by using materials such as metal mesh, copper mesh, or chimney caps. It’s important to use materials that are durable and weather-resistant, as squirrels are persistent and can gnaw through weak materials. Additionally, it’s important to inspect the home regularly for new entry points and seal them as soon as they are identified.

If squirrels have already entered your home, it’s important to remove them in a humane manner. One effective method is to use humane traps, which allow you to catch the squirrels and release them back into the wild. When using humane traps, it’s important to follow all instructions and regulations, as well as to release the squirrels in an appropriate location, far away from your home.

Once the squirrels have been removed, it’s important to repair any damage they have caused. This can include replacing insulation, repairing gnawed wood, or rewiring damaged electrical lines. In some cases, it may be necessary to hire a professional to repair the damage, as it can be extensive and complex.

Vent cover made for squirrel exclusion here in Southwest Virginia

Squirrel exclusion is a crucial step in preventing damage to your home and preserving the well-being of both homeowners and squirrels. By assessing the scope of the problem, evaluating the cost, and choosing the right option, be it DIY or professional, homeowners can take effective steps to keep squirrels out of their homes. Additionally, by using prevention methods, identifying and sealing entry points, using humane traps, and repairing damage, homeowners can ensure that squirrels do not re-enter their homes. It is important to remember to always use humane methods, and to consult with professionals when in doubt.

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