Virginian Red Squirrel

Squirrel Proofing Your House: A Comprehensive Guide

Squirrel Proofing in Southwestern Virginia

Squirrels are cute and playful animals, but they can also be a nuisance when they enter your home in search of food and shelter. Not only can they cause damage to your property, but they can also carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to squirrel-proof your house to keep these furry critters out.

Consider Professional Help for Your Squirrel Proofing Needs

If you are unable to squirrel-proof your home, it may be necessary to hire a professional wildlife control expert. They can provide additional services such as trapping and exclusion to help keep squirrels out of your home. These experts have the knowledge, tools and experience to effectively and humanely remove squirrels from your property and prevent them from returning.

Identifying Entry Points

The first step in squirrel-proofing your house is to identify any potential entry points that the squirrels may be using. Common areas to check include gaps and holes near rooflines, chimneys, vents, eaves, and attics. Look for signs of gnawing or damage that may indicate the presence of squirrels. Pay special attention to areas that are near trees or other structures that the squirrels may be using to gain access to your roof.

Entry Point for squirrels to get into needing squirrel proofing solutions

Sealing Entry Points for Squirrel Proofing

Once you have identified potential entry points, the next step is to seal them up to prevent squirrels from entering. Use caulking, steel wool, or mesh to seal gaps and holes. Make sure to use materials that are durable and resistant to gnawing. For gaps or holes that are too large to seal with caulking or steel wool, consider using a metal flashing or a piece of hardware cloth to cover the opening. Be sure to check all entry points regularly to ensure they are still sealed and in good condition.

Securing Trash Cans

Squirrels are attracted to food, so make sure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids and are kept away from the house. Use bungee cords or straps to keep the lids secure, and consider using a trash can with a locking mechanism to prevent squirrels from getting inside.

Removing Bird Feeders

Squirrels are also attracted to birdseed, so removing bird feeders from the vicinity of your home can help deter them. If you want to continue feeding birds, consider using a squirrel-proof bird feeder or installing a squirrel baffle on the pole or tree that supports the feeder.

Trimming Trees

Squirrels use tree branches to gain access to roofs, so trimming branches that are close to your house can make it more difficult for them to enter. Cut back any branches that extend within six feet of your roof or eaves, and consider removing any trees that are in close proximity to your home.

Squirrel on a Tree that can lead to the roof of your home. Consider trimming branches for proper squirrel removal solutions

Using Repellents

There are a variety of repellents available that can be used to repel squirrels. Some popular options include peppermint oil, ammonia, and hot pepper spray. When using repellents, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective use.

Using Motion-Activated Sprinklers

Another option to consider is using motion-activated sprinklers. These can be used to startle and deter squirrels that are approaching your home. The sudden burst of water can be an effective way to keep squirrels away from your house.

Installing a Squirrel Baffle

Squirrel baffles are devices that can be installed on poles or trees that support bird feeders to make it more difficult for squirrels to access the feeder. Baffles typically have a smooth and slippery surface that squirrels cannot climb, or they have a barrier that blocks the squirrels from reaching the feeder.

Regularly Check and Maintain

It’s important to keep an eye on the conditions of your house and fix any issues that arise to prevent squirrels from entering. Regularly check for holes or damages and repair them immediately. squirrel-proofing your house is an important step in protecting your home and family from the potential damage and health hazards caused by these critters. By identifying and sealing entry points, securing trash cans, removing bird feeders, trimming trees, using repellents, using motion-activated sprinklers, installing squirrel baffles, regularly checking and maintaining your house, and if needed, hiring a professional, you can effectively keep squirrels out of your home. With the right steps and preparation, you can enjoy your home in peace, free from pesky squirrels.

Check and Maintain home for squirrel proofing solutions

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