Virginian Red Squirrel

Squirrels on Your Roof? Should You Worry?

Why Should I Worry About Squirrels on My Roof?

Do you have squirrels on your roof? Squirrels are a common sight in many neighborhoods, and they can often be seen scampering around on rooftops. While they may seem harmless, these furry little creatures can cause damage to your home if they take up residence on your roof.

Here at Blue Ridge Wildlife & Pest Management, we have years of experience dealing with squirrels and other wildlife, and we understand the importance of taking steps to prevent them from causing damage to your home. In this article, we will discuss the potential problems that squirrels can cause on your roof, and provide you with some tips on how to keep them at bay.

Preventing Squirrels from Taking Up Residence on Your Roof

The best way to prevent squirrels from causing damage to your roof is to keep them from getting onto your roof in the first place. Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

  • Trim back tree branches that are close to your roof. Squirrels use branches as a way to access your roof, so by trimming them back, you can make it more difficult for them to get onto your roof.
  • Install a squirrel guard around your chimney. Squirrels often use chimneys as a way to access your attic, so by installing a guard, you can prevent them from getting inside.
  • Seal off any openings in your roof or attic. Squirrels can gain access to your home through small openings, so you can keep them out by sealing them off.
  • Use a repellent. There are a variety of repellents available that can help keep squirrels away from your roof. These include sprays, granules, and electronic devices.
Squirrel on the roof as shown here can get into your attic

The Importance of Professional Assistance

While there are many things you can do to prevent squirrels from causing damage to your roof, it’s important to understand that dealing with these creatures can be a difficult task. They are skilled climbers and can be quite elusive. If you suspect that you have squirrels on your roof, it’s best to call in the professionals. At Blue Ridge Wildlife & Pest Management, our team of experts has the knowledge, experience, and tools to safely and humanely remove squirrels from your roof and prevent them from returning.

Preventing squirrel damage to your roof is an ongoing process. To keep squirrels at bay, it’s important to regularly inspect your roof for signs of damage and take steps to prevent it. This includes inspecting your roof for missing or damaged shingles, checking for holes or other openings that squirrels could use to gain access to your attic, and keeping an eye out for droppings or other signs of squirrel activity. Regular inspections can also help you catch problems before they become serious and more expensive to fix.

At Blue Ridge Wildlife & Pest Management, we believe in humanely removing squirrels from your roof. We do not believe in killing or trapping squirrels, as these methods can be inhumane and can also lead to other problems. Instead, we use humane methods such as exclusion, which involves sealing off openings and providing one-way doors for squirrels to exit your home. This allows us to remove squirrels from your roof without causing them harm and also prevent them from returning.
Removing squirrels from your roof is just the first step in preventing damage. It’s also important to clean up any mess they have left behind. This includes cleaning up droppings, removing nesting materials, and disinfecting the area to prevent the spread of disease. Failure to do so can lead to unpleasant odors, as well as health hazards. Our team at Blue Ridge Wildlife & Pest Management will not only remove the squirrels but also thoroughly clean and disinfect the area to ensure your safety and comfort.

Preventing squirrel damage to your roof is an ongoing process. Once squirrels have been removed, it’s important to take steps to prevent them from returning. This includes sealing off openings, trimming back tree branches, and using repellents. It’s also important to keep an eye out for signs of squirrel activity, such as droppings, and take action as needed. At Blue Ridge Wildlife & Pest Management, we can provide ongoing prevention and maintenance services to ensure that your roof remains squirrel-free.

Squirrels may seem cute and harmless, but they can cause serious damage to your roof if they take up residence there. By taking steps to prevent them from getting onto your roof, you can protect your home from damage and keep these little critters at bay. At Blue Ridge Wildlife & Pest Management, we have the knowledge and experience to help you deal with any squirrel problems you may have.

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