Virginian Red Squirrel

Ridding Your Home of Squirrels in the Walls

Are There Squirrels in Your Walls?

Squirrels are a common problem for many homeowners. These small, furry creatures can cause damage to homes, gardens, and trees, and can be difficult to remove once they have taken up residence. One of the most common ways squirrels enter homes is through the walls. In this article, we will discuss the best ways to prevent and remove squirrels from your walls.

Understanding Squirrel Behavior

Squirrels are opportunistic creatures, which means that they will take advantage of any opportunity to find food and shelter. They are also very agile, able to climb trees and buildings with ease. These two factors make them particularly adept at entering homes through small openings in walls, roofs, and foundations.

Identifying Squirrel Entry Points

One of the first steps in preventing and removing squirrels from your walls is to identify where they are entering your home. Look for small openings, such as holes in the siding, missing or damaged shingles, and gaps around windows and doors. Keep in mind that squirrels can chew through wood and other materials, so even small openings can be used as entry points.

Preventing Squirrel Entry Into Your Walls

Once you have identified potential entry points, the next step is to prevent squirrels from entering your home. This can be done by sealing off openings with steel mesh or hardware cloth, and by repairing any damage to your home’s exterior. Keep in mind that squirrels can gnaw through wood and other materials, so it is important to use materials that are strong enough to withstand their chewing.

Removing Squirrels from Your Walls

If squirrels have already entered your walls, the best way to remove them is through a process called exclusion. This involves using one-way doors or exclusion funnels to allow the squirrels to leave your walls, but not re-enter. Once the squirrels have been removed, it is important to repair any damage they have caused and to prevent them from returning.

It is important to note that squirrels can carry diseases and their droppings can also be harmful to human health, so it is recommended to call a professional wildlife removal service to handle the situation. They will have the necessary equipment and expertise to safely and humanely remove the squirrels from your walls and prevent them from returning.

After removing the squirrels from your walls, it is essential to properly clean and disinfect the affected areas to prevent the spread of diseases and odors. Squirrel droppings and urine can contain harmful bacteria, so it is important to wear protective gear such as gloves and masks when cleaning. A professional wildlife removal service will have the necessary equipment to safely remove and disinfect the area.

It’s important to remember that squirrels are wild animals and should be removed humanely. Lethal methods of removal are not only inhumane, but also illegal in many states. Instead, focus on exclusion methods, such as one-way doors, to allow the squirrels to leave your home without harm and prevent them from returning. It’s also important to consult with a professional wildlife removal service to ensure the safe and humane removal of squirrels.

Squirrels can be a nuisance for homeowners, but with proper prevention and removal techniques, they can be controlled. By understanding squirrel behavior, identifying entry points, and taking steps to prevent and remove them, you can protect your home and keep these furry creatures out of your walls.

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