
Spiders in Virginia

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Quick Spider Information

Species in Virginia: 57

Common Locations: Garage, Basement, Attic

Damages: None

Health Concerns: Venom

Exploring the Diversity and Behavior of Spiders in Virginia

Spiders are arachnids that play an important role in the ecosystem, as they are natural predators that help control insect populations. Virginia, a state located on the east coast of the United States, is home to a diverse range of spider species. Understanding the different species of spiders found in Virginia, their anatomy and behavior, and the factors that influence their distribution and habitat preferences can help in developing effective spider control strategies.

Some of the common spider species found in Virginia include the wolf spider, orb-weaving spider, jumping spider, and crab spider. Each species has its own unique physical characteristics and behaviors that are important to understand in order to properly identify and manage spider infestations.

While spiders can be beneficial, they can also pose a risk to human health and well-being. Venomous spider species such as the black widow and brown recluse are found in Virginia and can cause serious harm if they bite humans. Additionally, spider infestations can be a nuisance and can cause anxiety for individuals who are afraid of spiders.

Species of Spiders in Virginia

Virginia Orb Weaver

Orb Weaver

Family Araneidae

Orb Weavers are a common family of spiders found throughout Virginia. They are named for the circular webs they spin, which are often quite large and intricate. Orb Weavers can be identified by their round, plump bodies and eight long, spindly legs.

These spiders are not aggressive and will only bite if they feel threatened. Orb Weavers are important predators, feeding on a variety of insects such as mosquitoes, flies, and moths. They play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance and controlling insect populations in Virginia’s ecosystems.

Virginia wolf spider

Wolf Spider

Family Lycosidae

Wolf spiders are a diverse family of spiders that are found in Virginia. They are known for their distinctive hunting method, where they actively chase and capture prey instead of spinning webs. Wolf spiders have large, robust bodies and eight long legs that are covered in sensory hairs. They are not aggressive towards humans and will only bite in self-defense.

As important predators, wolf spiders help to control the populations of insects such as crickets, grasshoppers, and flies, making them an essential part of Virginia’s ecosystems.

Black Widow

Theridiidae Latrodectus

Black widows are a venomous spider species found in Virginia. They are named for the distinctive black color of the female’s body and the red hourglass-shaped marking on their abdomen. Black widows can be identified by their round, bulbous bodies and eight spindly legs. They spin irregular webs that are not typically used to capture prey. Black widows are known for their venomous bite, which can be dangerous to humans and pets.

However, they are not aggressive and will only bite if they feel threatened or disturbed. Black widows are important predators, feeding on a variety of insects and other arthropods.

Brown Recluse

Loxosceles reclusa

Brown recluse spiders are a venomous species commonly found in Virginia. They are known for their distinctive violin-shaped markings on their backs and six eyes instead of the usual eight. Brown recluse spiders are usually found in warm, dry environments and can be found hiding in closets, garages, and other undisturbed areas.

Their venom can cause serious tissue damage and necrosis, but they are not aggressive and will only bite if they feel threatened. It’s important to take caution when dealing with these spiders and seek medical attention if bitten.

Virginia Common House Spider

Common House Spider

Sphecius spp.

Common house spiders are a ubiquitous species found throughout Virginia and other regions. They are often small in size, with brown or gray bodies and long, thin legs. These spiders are known for spinning webs in various corners of the house and are commonly found in basements, attics, and other dark spaces. Despite their intimidating appearance, house spiders are generally harmless to humans and are important in controlling insect populations in homes.

They feed on a variety of insects such as flies and mosquitoes, and their webs are effective at catching and immobilizing their prey. If you find house spiders in your home, there is no need to be concerned, as they are unlikely to cause harm and can actually be helpful in keeping other pest populations under control.

Spider Anatomy and Life Cycle

Spider Life Cycle

Spiders have a fascinating life cycle that varies depending on the species. Most Virginia spiders begin their lives as eggs, which are laid in a silken sac. The number of eggs in a sac can vary widely, from just a few to several hundred. After a period of time, the eggs hatch into spiderlings. These tiny spiders resemble adults but lack the distinctive features such as coloration and size. Spiderlings are vulnerable to predators and may disperse widely in search of food and shelter.

As spiderlings grow, they molt their exoskeleton several times, shedding their old skin to make way for a new one. Molting is a critical part of the spider’s life cycle, allowing it to grow and develop. During the final molt, male spiders will reach sexual maturity and will begin searching for a mate. Females may also begin producing pheromones to attract potential mates. After mating, females will lay eggs, starting the cycle over again.

Many Virginia spider species live for only a year or two, with some dying shortly after mating or laying eggs. In general, spiders have relatively short life spans compared to other animals, but they play an essential role in the ecosystem by controlling insect populations and serving as prey for other animals.

Spider Habitat and Behavior

Spider Habitat and Distribution in Virginia

Brown recluse spiders are not commonly found in Virginia, but they have been occasionally reported in some areas of the state. These spiders prefer warm and dry environments, such as attics, closets, basements, and other dark and quiet places. They are more commonly found in the southern and central United States, where the climate is warmer and more suitable for their survival. Brown recluse spiders are typically found in rural or suburban areas, but they can also be found in urban environments, particularly in older buildings and houses with a lot of clutter.

Orb weavers are a diverse family of spiders that are found throughout Virginia, inhabiting a wide range of habitats such as forests, fields, gardens, and wetlands. They are particularly abundant in areas with vegetation and a steady supply of insect prey. Orb weavers have adapted to various environmental conditions, and different species may be found at different elevations and in various soil types. Some species may also inhabit buildings and other man-made structures.

Wolf spiders are common spiders in Virginia that can be found in various habitats such as forests, grasslands, and suburban areas. They are active hunters that hunt for insects and other small prey on the ground, on plants, tree trunks, and walls. The Carolina wolf spider, also known as Hogna carolinensis, is the most commonly found species throughout Virginia in open, grassy areas like fields, meadows, and pastures. Wolf spiders are not harmful to humans and play an important role in the ecosystem by controlling insect populations.

Black widow spiders are found throughout Virginia, including in western and eastern regions of the state. They prefer warm, dry habitats and can be found in a variety of environments, including forests, fields, and human-made structures such as barns and sheds. They tend to be more common in the southern parts of the state, particularly in the Tidewater and Coastal Plain regions. Black widows are usually found in secluded areas such as woodpiles, under rocks, or in crevices. In urban areas, they can be found in garages, basements, and other dark and undisturbed areas.

Common house spiders, also known as domestic spiders, can be found throughout Virginia in a wide range of habitats, including urban and suburban areas, forests, and grasslands. They are most commonly found in homes, hence their name. These spiders typically spin webs in corners, around windows, and in other areas where they are likely to catch prey.

In Virginia, the most common species of house spider is the American house spider, also known as Parasteatoda tepidariorum. This species is found throughout the state and is known for its brown, mottled coloring and characteristic webs. Common house spiders are generally harmless to humans and play an important role in controlling insect populations.

Spider Behavior in Virginia

Many spiders are active hunters that actively pursue and capture prey, while others use webs to trap and subdue their prey. Some spiders exhibit social behaviors, such as communal web-building and cooperative prey capture. Spiders also engage in courtship and mating behaviors, with males often using elaborate courtship displays to attract females. After mating, females may lay eggs and guard them until they hatch, or construct elaborate egg sacs to protect their offspring. Spiders also exhibit a range of defensive behaviors, including running away, hiding, and biting if they feel threatened.

Spider Diet and Feeding Habits

Spiders in Virginia are carnivorous and feed primarily on insects, although some larger species may also prey on other spiders, small vertebrates, or even other spiders of their own species. Spiders use a variety of hunting techniques to capture their prey, including active pursuit, web-building, and ambush.

Spiders have specialized mouthparts called chelicerae that are used to inject venom into their prey. The venom contains enzymes that begin to digest the prey’s tissues, allowing the spider to suck out the liquefied contents. Depending on the species, spiders may use different types of venom to subdue their prey, and some venom can be quite potent and even dangerous to humans.

The diet of spiders in Virginia varies depending on the species and the availability of prey in their habitat. Some spider species are generalists and will feed on a wide range of prey, while others are specialized and may only prey on specific types of insects. For example, orb-weaver spiders primarily feed on flying insects such as moths and flies, while jumping spiders often feed on small insects such as ants and beetles.

The hunting techniques used by spiders also vary depending on the species and their habitat. For example, wolf spiders actively hunt for prey on the ground, while jumping spiders use their excellent vision and agility to capture prey in trees and bushes. Some spider species, such as funnel weavers, build webs to trap prey, while others, such as crab spiders, ambush their prey by hiding and waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Virginia Orb Weaver feeding

Do You Have a Spider Problem?

Learn more about our Spider Control Program or call us at (540) 776-1769