Red Raccoon such as these are part of the many raccoon problems southwest virginians face

Common Raccoon Problems in Southwestern Virginia

Understanding Raccoon Problems for Homeowner

Raccoon problems are a common sight in many urban and suburban homeowners. These intelligent and adaptable animals are opportunistic feeders, which means they will eat almost anything they can find. They are also skilled climbers and can easily gain access to roofs, attics, and other areas of a home. Click on each to learn more about

Links to Common Raccoon Problems here in Southwest Virginia

  • Raccoon in Attic

  • Raccoon in Soffit

  • Raccoon in the Yard
  • Raccoon Damage to Roof

  • Raccoon in Chimney

Raccoon Behavior

Raccoons are primarily active at night, but they may also be active during the day. They are omnivores and will eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, nuts, insects, fish, and small mammals. They are also known to raid garbage cans, gardens, and bird feeders.

Raccoons are also known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities. They are skilled climbers and can easily gain access to roofs, attics, and other areas of a home. They are also known to use tools, such as breaking open clams with a rock.

Raccoon in the Soffit is one of many raccoon problems you face in southwestern virginia

Dealing With Raccoons

If you’re dealing with a raccoon problem, it’s important to take steps to deter them from your property. Here are a few tips for dealing with nuisance wildlife:

  • Secure your garbage cans with tight-fitting lids.
  • Keep pet food and birdseed inside or in a secure area.
  • Pick up fallen fruit from fruit trees.
  • Trim trees and branches that provide easy access to your roof or attic.
  • Seal any openings in your home’s exterior, such as gaps around pipes and vents.

It is also important to understand that trapping and relocating raccoons is illegal in many states, including Connecticut, as it can spread disease and disrupt local ecosystems. In case of severe infestation, it is recommended to contact a licensed professional for humane removal.

The best way to deal with raccoons is to take steps to prevent them from becoming a problem in the first place. This can include securing trash cans, removing potential food sources, and sealing up access points to your home.

In case of severe infestation, it is recommended to contact a licensed professional for humane removal. By understanding raccoons and taking steps to deter them, you can reduce the chances of a raccoon problem and keep your home and property safe.

It is important to take necessary precautions and to seek professional help if needed to effectively deal with raccoon infestation in your property. By understanding their behavior and taking steps to deter them, you can reduce the chances of a raccoon problem and keep your home and property safe.

Raccoons can carry a variety of diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets. Some of the most common diseases associated with raccoons include:

  • Rabies: Raccoons are known to carry rabies, a viral disease that can be fatal to humans if left untreated. Symptoms of rabies in raccoons include aggressive behavior, drooling, and difficulty walking.
  • Roundworm: Raccoons can carry a type of roundworm called Baylisascaris procyonis, which can infect humans and cause serious neurological problems.
  • Leptospirosis: This bacterial disease can be transmitted to humans through contact with raccoon urine or feces. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, and jaundice.

To protect yourself and your family from raccoon-borne diseases, it’s important to take the following precautions:

  • Avoid contact with raccoons, dead or alive.
  • Keep your pets up-to-date on vaccinations and prevent them from roaming freely.
  • Wear gloves and a mask if you must handle raccoon feces or urine.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after coming into contact with raccoons or their feces.

Raccoons can cause significant damage to your property if they gain access to your attic or other areas of your home. They may chew on electrical wires, insulation, and other materials, potentially causing a fire hazard. They may also leave behind droppings and urine, which can create unpleasant odors and attract other pests.

To protect your property from raccoon damage, it’s important to take the following steps:

  • Seal all openings in your home’s exterior, such as gaps around pipes and vents.
  • Install chimney caps or screens to prevent raccoons from entering through your chimney.
  • Trim trees and branches that provide easy access to your roof or attic.
  • Set up motion-activated lights or alarms to deter raccoons from entering your property.

If you’re dealing with a raccoon problem, don’t hesitate to call us today. Our team of licensed professionals have the expertise and experience to effectively and humanely remove raccoons from your property, and to take the necessary steps to prevent them from returning. We understand the importance of protecting your home and your family from raccoon-borne diseases, and we take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety. We also provide property protection services to prevent raccoons from causing damage to your home. Call us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step in solving your raccoon problem.

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