Raccoon Prevention2023-02-28T13:27:28+00:00

Stop Raccoons from Invading Your Property
Tips and Tricks

Raccoons are cute and fuzzy creatures that can be fun to watch from a distance. However, when they start invading your property, they can quickly become a nuisance. Raccoons are known for their scavenging habits, which can lead to a lot of mess and damage on your property. From knocking over trash cans to tearing apart gardens, raccoons can cause a lot of problems. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks to prevent raccoons from invading your property.

A raccoon with your trash, learn how to stop raccoons from invading your property

Why Raccoons Invade Your Property

Raccoons are opportunistic creatures that are attracted to food, shelter, and water sources. Your property may provide all of these things, making it an attractive target for raccoons. Some common reasons raccoons invade properties include

  • Access to garbage cans and compost bins

  • Availability of pet food left outside

  • Access to shelter, such as attics, crawl spaces, or sheds

  • Presence of bird feeders

  • Edible plants such as fruit trees in the yard

  • Access to water sources, such as fountains or ponds

Raccoon near a storm drain invading your property

Signs of Raccoon Infestation

It’s important to be able to identify the signs of a raccoon infestation so you can take action before it becomes a bigger problem. Some signs of raccoon infestation include

  • Knocked over trash cans or scattered trash
  • Damage to gardens or crops
  • Holes in lawns or gardens
  • Evidence of digging around the foundation of your home
  • Noises in the attic or crawl space

If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to take action as soon as possible to prevent further damage and health risks.

Raccoon Feces shown here is a large sign that you have raccoons

Here Are Some Tips to Prevent Raccoons From Invading Your Property

Cleaning up your attic after a bat infestation can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Here are the steps you need to take:

  • 1
    Secure garbage cans and compost bins with tight-fitting lids or bungee cords.
  • 2
    Keep pet food inside or feed pets indoors.
  • 3
    Remove bird feeders, or hang them high off the ground.
  • 4
    Seal off entry points to attics, crawl spaces, and sheds.
  • 5
    Install motion-activated lights or sprinklers.
  • 6
    Use strong-smelling deterrents, such as ammonia, vinegar, or cayenne pepper.
  • 7
    Install a fence around your property, making sure it is buried at least six inches below ground.
A raccoon being attracted to your property

DIY Raccoon Deterrents

If you’re looking for a more natural way to deter raccoons from your property, try these DIY deterrents

  • 1
    Planting certain plants, such as marigolds, garlic, and hot peppers, can repel raccoons.
  • 2
    Sprinkling used coffee grounds around the perimeter of your property can also be effective.
  • 3
    Using predator urine, such as coyote or fox urine, can scare raccoons away.

Professional Raccoon Control Services

If you have a persistent raccoon problem, it may be best to call in the professionals. Here are some services that can help

  • 1
    Wildlife removal companies can trap and remove raccoons from your property.
  • 2
    Pest control companies can provide ongoing preventative services to keep raccoons away.


Raccoons can be a nuisance when they invade your property, but there are many ways to prevent them from doing so. By securing your garbage cans, removing food sources, and sealing off entry points to your home, you can make your property less attractive to raccoons. If you’re dealing with a persistent raccoon problem, consider hiring a professional wildlife removal or pest control service. With these tips and tricks, you can keep raccoons from invading your property and causing damage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will a Dog or Cat Keep Raccoons Away?2023-02-27T14:08:26+00:00

While dogs and cats may deter raccoons, they are not always effective. Raccoons can be aggressive when cornered or threatened, so it’s important to supervise your pets when they are outside.

What Should I Do if I Find a Baby Raccoon on My Property?2023-02-27T14:28:40+00:00

If you find a baby raccoon, it’s best to leave it alone. The mother is likely nearby and will return for her baby.


If the baby appears to be injured or in danger, do not try to rehabilitate it yourself! It is illegal in Virginia to keep wildlife as pets or to attempt to rehabilitate them on your own. This is why you must contact a wildlife rehabilitation center such as

  1. Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center of Roanoke – (540) 798-9836 – Located in Roanoke
  2. Rockfish Wildlife Sanctuary – (434) 263-4954 – Located in Shipman
  3. Blue Ridge Wildlife Center – (540) 837-9000 – Located in Boyce
  4. Wildlife Center of Virginia – (540) 942-9453 – Located in Waynesboro
Can I Use Poison to Get Rid of Raccoons?2023-02-27T13:50:02+00:00

No, using poison to get rid of raccoons is not a legal or humane method of control. In Virginia, it is illegal to use poison to kill wildlife without a permit from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF). Even with a permit, the use of poison to control raccoons is generally not recommended as it can pose risks to other wildlife, pets, and humans.

Additionally, using poison to control raccoons is considered inhumane because it causes a slow and painful death, and can lead to secondary poisoning of other animals that consume the poisoned raccoon. There are a variety of more humane and effective methods of raccoon removal and control, including live trapping and relocation, exclusion techniques to prevent entry into buildings, and habitat modification to make your property less attractive to raccoons.

Are Raccoons Dangerous?2023-02-27T13:51:48+00:00

Raccoons are generally not considered to be dangerous to humans, but they can pose a risk if they feel threatened or if they carry certain diseases. Raccoons are known carriers of rabies, a serious and potentially fatal disease that can be transmitted to humans through bites or scratches. It is important to avoid contact with raccoons and to seek medical attention if you are bitten or scratched by one.

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