How to Get Rid of Beavers: A Complete Guide2023-02-28T13:38:19+00:00

How to Get Rid of Beavers
A Complete Guide

Beavers are amazing creatures that play an important role in the ecosystem. They build dams, create wetlands, and provide habitat for many species. However, they can also cause damage to property, especially if they start gnawing on trees or building dams in unwanted places. If you are dealing with beavers and need to get rid of them, this guide will help you find a humane and effective solution.

A floating beaver, which can be a pain to get rid of

Understanding Beavers

Beavers are the largest rodents in North America, and they are known for their powerful teeth and ability to build dams. They typically live in wetland areas and feed on bark, leaves, and twigs. Beavers are also territorial, which means they will defend their territory against intruders, including humans.

Signs of Beaver Activity

If you suspect that beavers are active in your area, there are a few signs you can look for. These include

  • Dam building: Beavers build dams to create ponds and wetlands. If you see a dam on your property, it’s likely that beavers are nearby.
  • Tree damage: Beavers use their teeth to gnaw on trees, which can cause damage or even kill the tree.
  • Lodge building: Beavers build lodges out of branches, twigs, and mud. If you see a large pile of sticks in the water, it may be a beaver lodge.
  • Bank burrows: In addition to lodges, beavers may also dig burrows into the banks of streams or ponds. Look for openings in the bank that are about the size of a basketball

Chewed trees as shown here is a major sign of beaver activity


Preventing beavers from causing damage in the first place is the best solution. Here are some ways to prevent beavers from setting up shop on your property

  • Remove food sources: Beavers are attracted to areas with a lot of trees and other vegetation. If you remove these food sources, beavers will be less likely to stick around.
  • Install fencing: A fence around your property can help keep beavers out. Make sure the fence is at least 3 feet high and buried at least 6 inches into the ground.
  • Use repellents: There are several commercial repellents available that can deter beavers from your property. However, these are not always effective.
A tree which is a victim of a beaver attack


If you have already spotted beavers on your property, trapping may be necessary. Here are some tips for trapping beavers

  • Use live traps: Live traps are humane and allow you to release the beavers elsewhere. Make sure the trap is large enough to accommodate the beaver.
  • Bait the trap: Beavers are attracted to certain scents, such as vanilla or castor oil. Use these scents to bait the trap.
  • Check the trap regularly: Once a beaver is trapped, it’s important to release it as soon as possible. Check the trap at least once a day.


There are several commercial repellents available that can deter beavers from your property. However, these are not always effective. Here are some natural repellents you can try

  • Predator urine: Sprinkle predator urine around your property to deter beavers. You can buy predator urine online or from hunting supply stores.
  • Garlic: Beavers don’t like the smell of garlic. You can crush garlic cloves and sprinkle them around your property.
  • Noise: Beavers are sensitive to noise. You can use a motion-activated sprinkler or play


Fencing is a great way to keep beavers out of certain areas. Here are some tips for installing beaver-proof fencing

  • Use heavy-gauge wire: Beavers are strong animals and can easily chew through weak wire. Use heavy-gauge wire to make it more difficult for them to gnaw through.
  • Bury the fence: Beavers can dig, so bury the fence at least 6 inches into the ground to prevent them from burrowing under it.
  • Make the fence tall enough: A fence should be at least 3 feet tall to prevent beavers from jumping over it.
A beaver caught in one of our traps


In some cases, removal may be necessary. If you have tried other methods and they have not worked, you may need to call a professional wildlife removal company. They will have the equipment and expertise to safely remove the beavers from your property.


Beavers are fascinating animals that play an important role in the ecosystem. However, if they are causing damage to your property, it’s important to take action. There are several humane and effective methods for getting rid of beavers, including prevention, trapping, repellents, fencing, and removal. By following the tips in this guide, you can get rid of beavers in a safe and effective way. Remember to always check your local laws and regulations before taking action.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Kill Beavers to Get Rid of Them?2023-02-27T19:05:24+00:00

Killing beavers is generally not recommended. It’s inhumane and can also be illegal. There are humane methods of beaver removal that are much more effective.

How Do I Know if a Beaver Is in My Pond?2023-02-27T18:51:02+00:00

Look for signs of activity, such as tree damage or a dam. You may also see the beaver swimming or hear it slapping its tail on the water.

Is It Legal to Trap and Relocate Beavers?2023-02-27T18:50:35+00:00

In Virginia, it is legal to trap and relocate beavers with a permit from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. However, it is important to note that relocating beavers can be difficult and may not be the best solution in all cases.

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