Virginia Big Eared Bat - Virginia Bat Removal and Exclusion

Quick Bee Information

Species in Virginia: 477

Common Locations: Trees, Attic, Garages, Garden Furniture

Damages: Walls, Supports, Roof

Health Concerns: Allergic Reactions, No Known Diseases

Honey Bees in Virginia: Importance and Characteristics

Honey bees, a vital species for pollination and honey production, are an integral part of Virginia’s ecosystem and economy. These fascinating insects are social creatures that have a complex social structure and play a significant role in agriculture. In this article, we will explore the physical characteristics, behavior, and social structure of honey bees in Virginia.

We will also discuss their life cycle, threats, conservation efforts, and the economic importance of honey bees in Virginia agriculture. Additionally, we will provide an overview of beekeeping and honey bee products in Virginia, as well as the challenges faced by the honey bee industry in Virginia. By the end of this article, we hope to shed light on the importance of honey bees and their vital role in the ecosystem and economy of Virginia.

Native Bees in Virginia

Honey bees in Virginia, also known as Apis mellifera, are a subspecies of the western honey bee. They are approximately 12-15 mm in length, with a distinctive yellow and black striped abdomen. The head and thorax of honey bees are covered in fine hairs that aid in collecting pollen, while the wings are transparent and iridescent. Honey bees are known for their communication skills, which they use to navigate to food sources and to alert the colony of potential dangers.

Honey bees in Virginia are highly social insects, living in large colonies that can contain up to 80,000 individuals. The colony is headed by a queen bee, whose primary role is to lay eggs. Worker bees, which are all female, perform a variety of tasks including collecting nectar and pollen, tending to the queen and her offspring, and defending the colony. Male bees, or drones, do not have stingers and their sole purpose is to mate with the queen.

Virginia Honey Bee

Bumble Bees

Genus Bombus

Bumblebees are large, fuzzy, and robust bees that are found throughout most of the world. They are known for their distinctive black and yellow coloration and their unique ability to “buzz pollinate” certain flowers, which involves vibrating their bodies to release pollen. Bumblebees are social insects that live in small colonies led by a queen.

Like other bees, bumblebees play a critical role in pollinating a wide variety of plants, making them important for ecosystems and agricultural systems. They have a unique ability to regulate their body temperature, allowing them to fly in colder temperatures and earlier in the day than other bees

Mason Bees

Genus Osmia

Mason bees are a group of solitary bees that are known for their excellent pollination abilities. They are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, fields, and gardens. Unlike social bees, mason bees do not live in colonies and do not have a queen. Instead, each female mason bee builds her own nest and provides for her own offspring.

Mason bees are important pollinators for many fruit and nut crops, including apples, almonds, and cherries. They are also well-suited to the Virginia climate, as they are active early in the spring when temperatures are still cool. Additionally, they are relatively gentle and are not aggressive.

Leaf-cutter Bees

Family Megachilidae

Leaf-cutter bees are solitary bees that are named for their habit of cutting small, circular pieces of leaves to construct their nests. They are active from early spring through late summer and can be found in a variety of habitats, including gardens, fields, and woodlands. Leaf-cutter bees are important pollinators for a wide range of plants, including vegetables, fruits, and ornamental flowers.

In Virginia, leaf-cutter bees can be seen pollinating a variety of crops such as tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries, making them an essential component of the state’s agricultural industry.

Virginia carpenter bee

Carpenter Bees

Subfamily Xylocopinae

Carpenter bees are large, black and yellow bees that are common in Virginia. They are named for their ability to bore into wood to create nesting sites, often causing damage to wooden structures. Carpenter bees are important pollinators, particularly for plants that have long, tube-like flowers.

Carpenter bees are often mistaken for bumblebees, but can be distinguished by their shiny, hairless abdomens. Unlike social bees, carpenter bees are solitary insects and do not live in colonies. They prefer to nest in unpainted or weathered wood, and can be discouraged from nesting in structures by sealing cracks and applying paint or varnish.

Despite their reputation for causing damage to wood, carpenter bees play an important role in pollination and can be beneficial to gardens and natural habitats.

A Virginia honey bee

Western Honey Bee

Apis mellifera

The western honey bee, also known as the European honey bee, is the most commonly recognized bee species in the world. They are known for their honey production, as well as their important role in pollinating a wide variety of plants. Honey bees are social insects that live in colonies with a complex social hierarchy and division of labor.

In Virginia, honey bees play a crucial role in the state’s agricultural industry. They are responsible for pollinating a wide variety of crops, including apples, peaches, and cucumbers. Additionally, many beekeepers in Virginia rely on honey bee colonies for honey production, which is an important agricultural commodity for the state. Honey bees are relatively gentle and can be managed by beekeepers, making them a valuable resource for both agriculture and backyard gardens.

Roles and Threats To Bees

Virginia bee banner

The Role Bees Play

Bees play a vital role in the ecosystem of western Virginia by pollinating a wide variety of plants. This is particularly important for the region’s agricultural systems, which rely on bees to pollinate crops such as apples, peaches, strawberries, and blueberries. In addition to helping produce fruits and vegetables, bees also contribute to the overall health and biodiversity of the area by pollinating wildflowers, trees, and other plants.

However, bee populations in western Virginia and across the world are facing significant challenges due to habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. This has led to declines in both native and managed bee populations, which can have far-reaching consequences for both the environment and human societies. To help address these challenges, conservation efforts are underway in western Virginia to protect and restore bee habitats, reduce pesticide use, and promote sustainable agricultural practices that support bee populations. By working to protect bees, we can help ensure the continued health and productivity of western Virginia’s ecosystems and agricultural systems.

Challenges to Virginia’s Bees

Native bee populations in Virginia face multiple challenges that threaten their survival. Habitat loss due to urbanization, agriculture, and land-use changes has resulted in a reduced availability of food and nesting sites for native bees. Pesticides, such as neonicotinoids, have also been linked to declines in bee populations, interfering with their ability to forage, navigate, and reproduce. Additionally, diseases such as Nosema ceranae and deformed wing virus have a significant impact on bee health and survival.

These challenges must be addressed to ensure the continued presence of native bee populations in Virginia.

The decline in native bee populations is a concern not only for ecological reasons but also for economic reasons. Native bees play an important role in pollinating crops such as apples, berries, and melons, and their loss could have significant impacts on Virginia’s agricultural industry.

Bee Habitat and Behavior

Bee Habitat and Distribution in Virginia

Bumblebees are found throughout Virginia, from the mountains to the coast. They are often found in grasslands, meadows, and open woodlands. Bumblebees require a variety of flowering plants for food, and they often nest in underground burrows, abandoned rodent nests, or dense grasses. In Virginia, bumblebees can be found in both rural and urban areas, including parks, gardens, and other green spaces.

Mason bees are widely distributed throughout Virginia and can be found in a variety of habitats, including gardens, fields, and forests. They typically nest in pre-existing cavities such as hollow stems, holes in wood, or gaps in masonry. Mason bees are solitary, meaning they do not live in colonies or have a queen. Instead, each female mason bee builds her own nest and provides for her own offspring.

Leaf-cutter bees can be found throughout Virginia, with a distribution that is heavily influenced by the availability of their preferred nesting sites: pre-existing cavities in wood, such as old beetle borings or hollow plant stems. They can be found in a range of habitats, including gardens, meadows, and forests, and are active during the summer months. Leaf-cutter bees are important pollinators for a variety of crops, including alfalfa, blueberries, and onions, and have been successfully used in greenhouse pollination. In addition to their pollination services, they also play a role in nutrient cycling by incorporating plant materials into their nest walls.

Carpenter bees are found throughout Virginia and prefer to nest in wood, particularly dead or weathered wood. They can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, woodlands, and urban areas. Carpenter bees are important pollinators for many flowering plants and crops, including fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamental plants. However, their habit of drilling holes in wood can cause damage to wooden structures and buildings, making them a nuisance for homeowners.

Western honey bees are one of the most widely recognized and economically important species of bees in the world, including in Virginia. They are managed for their honey production and as pollinators of crops like apples, almonds, and blueberries. Honey bees are social insects that live in large colonies with a queen, worker bees, and drones.  In Virginia, Western honey bees can be found in managed hives as well as in the wild, though their populations have been affected by various factors such as pesticide use, disease, and habitat loss.

Bee Behavior in Virginia

Virginia is home to a diverse range of bee species, each with its own unique behaviors. Bees are generally active during the warmer months, with some species emerging as early as February. They are important pollinators for many native plants and crops, and play a crucial role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Some bees are solitary, while others live in large colonies.

The behavior of bees is influenced by a variety of factors, including weather, available food sources, and nesting sites. It is important to protect and conserve bee populations in Virginia to ensure their continued contribution to the state’s biodiversity and agriculture.

Virginia Bee Conservation


In conclusion, bees play a vital role in Virginia’s ecosystems as important pollinators for many crops and plants. Honey bees, non-native bees, and native bee species all contribute to the health and productivity of Virginia’s agricultural and natural systems. However, threats such as habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease pose significant challenges to bee populations in Virginia. Conservation efforts such as habitat restoration, reduction of pesticide use, education and outreach, research, and citizen science initiatives are essential for the preservation of bee populations and the ecological balance of Virginia’s ecosystems. Through these efforts, Virginia can continue to promote the health and survival of its bees and ensure the sustainability of its agricultural and natural systems for generations to come.

Do You Have a Bee Problem?

Learn more about our Bee Removal Program or call us at (540) 776-1769