Attic Clean Up & Bat Proofing2023-02-28T13:20:55+00:00

Attic Clean Up & Bat Proofing:
The Ultimate Guide

Have you ever wondered what is lurking in your attic? For many homeowners, the answer is bats. These furry creatures might look cute, but they can cause all sorts of problems if they decide to make your attic their home. From the noise they create to the health risks they pose, bats can turn your peaceful attic into a nightmare.

That’s why attic clean up and bat proofing are essential tasks for any responsible homeowner. By taking care of your attic, you can prevent bats from making it their home and ensure that your family stays safe and healthy. In this ultimate guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to know to make your attic clean, safe, and bat-free.

Bat proofing is needed to keep bats away like these from your attic

What is Attic Clean Up and Bat Proofing?

Attic clean up and bat proofing refer to the process of removing bats and their waste from your attic, sealing up entry points to prevent further infestations, and thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the space. Attic clean up and bat proofing can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it’s essential to protect your home and family.

Why is Attic Clean Up and Bat Proofing Important?

There are many reasons why attic clean up and bat proofing are crucial tasks for homeowners. Here are just a few:

  • Health Risks: Bat guano can contain harmful fungi and bacteria that can cause serious health problems if inhaled. In addition, bat droppings can attract insects and other pests, which can also pose health risks.

  • Property Damage: Bats can cause damage to your attic and the rest of your home by chewing through wires, insulation, and other materials.
  • Noise: Bats can be noisy, especially if they are roosting in large numbers. This can be especially problematic if your attic is located near bedrooms or other living spaces.
  • Smell: Bat guano has a strong odor that can be difficult to eliminate without professional cleaning.
One of our techs sealing up potential entry points. This is the first step in bat proofing your home and attic

Signs That You Need Attic Clean Up and Bat Proofing

How do you know if you need attic clean up and bat proofing? Here are some signs to look out for:

  • You hear strange noises coming from your attic, especially at night.
  • You notice a strong, unpleasant odor coming from your attic.
  • You find bat droppings in or around your home.
  • You see bats flying in and out of your home, especially at dusk or dawn.
  • You notice damage to your attic or other parts of your home that could be caused by bats.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to take action as soon as possible to prevent further damage and health risks.

Bat Guano is a sign of a Bat Infestation as shown here. Quickly cleaning up guano from your attic is important.

How to Clean Up Your Attic

Cleaning up your attic after a bat infestation can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Here are the steps you need to take:

  • 1
    Protect yourself: Wear protective clothing, including gloves, goggles, and a mask, to avoid exposure to bat guano and other contaminants.
  • 2
    Remove bats: Before you can start cleaning, you’ll need to remove any remaining bats from your attic. This can be done by setting up exclusion devices that allow batsto leave your attic but prevent them from re-entering. It’s important to do this at the right time of year when bats are not giving birth or hibernating.
  • 3
    Thoroughly clean the attic: Once you’re sure that all the bats are gone, you can start cleaning up the mess they left behind. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to remove all bat guano, urine, and other debris. Avoid using a regular vacuum cleaner, as this can release harmful particles into the air.
  • 4

    Disinfect the space: After cleaning, it’s important to disinfect the attic to kill any remaining bacteria or fungi. Use a solution of water and bleach or another disinfectant recommended by a professional.

  • 5
    Seal up entry points: To prevent bats from re-entering your attic, you’ll need to seal up all entry points. This can include gaps in the roof, vents, and other openings. Be sure to use materials that are bat-proof, such as wire mesh or caulking.

How to Bat Proof Your Attic

Preventing bats from entering your attic is key to keeping your home safe and clean. Here are some steps you can take to bat-proof your attic:

  • 1
    Inspect your home: Look for any openings or gaps that could allow bats to enter your attic. These can include gaps in the roof, vents, and other openings.
  • 2
    Install bat-proofing materials: Use materials like wire mesh or caulking to seal up any entry points. Be sure to use materials that are specifically designed to be bat-proof.
  • 3
    Trim trees and bushes: Bats can use trees and bushes as a pathway to your attic. To prevent this, trim any trees or bushes that are close to your home.
  • 4
    Consider installing a bat house: If you want to encourage bats to roost elsewhere, consider installing a bat house in your yard. This can provide a safe and attractive alternative to your attic.
A mesh installed in an attic vent. This exclusion technique is used for bat proofing your home


Attic clean up and bat proofing are essential tasks for any homeowner. By taking care of your attic, you can prevent bats from making it their home and ensure that your family stays safe and healthy. If you suspect that you have a bat infestation in your attic, be sure to take action as soon as possible to prevent further damage and health risks. With the right tools and techniques, you can make your attic a clean, safe, and bat-free space for you and your family.

FAQs about Attic Clean Up and Bat Proofing

How Much Does Attic Clean Up and Bat Proofing Cost?2023-02-24T18:23:15+00:00

The cost of attic clean up and bat proofing can vary depending on the size of your attic and the extent of the infestation. It’s best to contact a professional for an estimate.

How Can I Tell if I Have Bats in My Attic?2023-02-24T18:22:46+00:00

Signs of a bat infestation include strange noises coming from your attic, a strong odor, bat droppings, and damage to your attic or other parts of your home.

Can I Clean Up My Attic Myself?2023-02-24T18:22:11+00:00

While it is possible to clean up your attic yourself, it’s important to take precautions to protect yourself from exposure to bat guano and other contaminants. It’s also important to properly disinfect the space to prevent the spread of bacteria and fungi.

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